Monday, March 21, 2011

Short Month, Lots of Actividties

A PCV from 48 years ago was in the second group of volunteers to come to Guatemala.  He served as an agriculture volunteer in Patzun. The co-op that he started nearly 50 years ago with about eight people is still functionig!  He pointed out a lot of things that did not exist while he was here.  He informed us that PC used to issue volunteers cars!
Students of Chuchuca doing a team building activity.

I worked with the teachers of Telesecundaria Felipe Lopez to organize Valentine's Day activities for the students.  Their original plan was to cancel school this day. Instead, about three different groups from each grade prepared a song and/or dance. We also did a gift exchange and, of course, had a snack.

BEST IDEA EVER!  Mary, Estella and I made heart shapped tortillas in honor of heart day.  I stopped by to drop off Estella's birthday present and ended up staying about four hours.  I really enjoy spending time with them...such a wonderful family!

We threw a surprise water themed birthday party for Lydia!!

Another unforgettable moment with Mary and family.  We celebrated Mary's birthday.  It was very nice being around such a big, loving family.  Not pictured:  the birthday cake I attempted to make for Mary. haha.  The basketball team came over after the game to enjoy the cake that tasted a lot better than it looked.

One of my teachers invited me to go to the pools in Patzicia to participate in a Valentine's Day activity with youth from the Catholic Church.  It was super fun!  We played basketball and soccer for 6 hours! Then ate a delicious picnic meal.  I got a terrible sun burn.
Hiked Pacaya with a group of Guatemalan friends.  It was a super fun experience.
Another memorable moment with Mary, Anacleto and family!  At the pools in Patzicia, enjoying the sun.
Peace Corps hosted a three day training about behavior change related to HIV/AIDS.  The social worker from the health center, Alicia, went with me.  It was a great training.  And I have a lot of faith that Alicia and I will follow up with the project!